What is Business Writing?

Communicating Business Information to specific target audiences

Audiences for Business Writing

Identify your Target Audience

1. Investors

Vital Business Information about the Business Strategy, Marketing, Sales Projections, Business Plan and Financial Control is compiled, presented and communicated to Investors.

2. Global Online Population

The global online population is probably the largest consumer of Business Information. They need business information to increase their awareness of various business, marketing, sales, finance and entrepreneurship-related topics.

3. B2B (Business to Business)

Businesses need to design, compile, publish and share business information to market their business, products or services to other businesses and stakeholders.

4. B2C (Business to Customers)

Businesses need to design, compile, publish and share business information to market their business, products or services to their target customers.

5. Employees and Management

Businesses Management needs to design, compile, publish and share business information to update their employees about various Company topics. The employees too need to design, compile and present information to update other departments and the Higher Management of their respective functions.

6. Students

Business Management students need Business Information as a part of their training and education to become business management professionals.

What is the Objective of Business Writing?

The overall Objective of Business Writing is communication of Business Information to the target audience in a language, style and format that the audience will relate to and understand. Business Writing is a wide spectrum of writing types (including styles, formats, language, objectives, pitch and communication) catering to specific target audiences.

What is Business Information?

Business Information is a specialized kind of information, that requires business understanding (academic and professional), advanced analytical skills (business, management, finance, marketing operations and strategy) and appropriate application (depending on the use of the business information). Business Information concerns the areas of: entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, business establishment, business planning and operations.

Critical Importance of Business Writing

Business Information needs to be handled carefully and meaningfully. Wrong use or miscommunication of business information can lead to adverse consequences, that can affect the lives of businessmen and general population. Information of all kinds is easily available and accessible in today’s global, online world.

There is an increased responsibility for Business Writers. The Business Writers need to be aware that their content will be accessed and used by audiences from vastly diverse backgrounds (academic, socio-economic, financial, and professional). The accuracy, quality, and application value, of your published Business Content, is of Critical Importance.

Types of Business Writing

Customized to your Target Audience

The type of Business Writing varies depending on the target audience it caters to. Each target audience has different educational background, understanding level (for business concepts) and use for the business information. Accordingly, the business writing has to be adapted to suit the different needs of the target population.

1. For Investor Pitch

Pitch (audience): The business information is read by Investors, Venture Capitalists and concerned staff.

Style: The writing style is formal, serious and focused on specific Investment goals.

Language: The language is advanced and specific in line with the educational and professional background of the audience.

Purpose: The purpose is to provide the investors with sufficient, relevant and focused information about the business, to help them make a Investment decision.

Medium: Written content forms a big part of the communication. Tables, figures, charts and diagrams are used to illustrate the business data and information.

Format: The business information is presented in form of Plans (Business, Marketing & Financial) and presentation slides.

2. For Awareness & Informal Education

Pitch (audience): The business information is read by the global online audience, by lay population and by businesspersons.

Style: The writing style is informal and sometimes casual, depending on the audience and purpose.

Language: The language is simple, non-technical and easy-to-understand for the lay population.

Purpose: The purpose is to increase the general awareness and informal education level.

Medium: Text, illustrations and audio-visual means is used for effective communication.

Format: The business information is presented in form of website content, blogs, e-articles, newsletters, e-magazines and education materials.

3. B2B Marketing

Pitch (audience): The business information is used for designing Marketing Plans & Strategy addressed to other businesses and third-party stakeholders.

Style: The writing style is formal, serious and focused on specific Marketing objectives.

Language: The language is a combination of business, management and marketing concepts in line with the educational and professional background of the audience.

Purpose: The purpose is to provide the written content for B2B Marketing Plans, Strategy and actual Marketing Resources.

Medium: Written text forms a big part of the communication. Tables, charts, graphs, diagrams and audio-visual aids are used to illustrate the business data and information.

Format: The business information is presented in form of Plans (Sales & Marketing), Strategy documents, presentation slides. The actual Marketing Resources include presentations, brochures, posters and online marketing content.

4. For B2C Marketing

Pitch (audience): The business information is used for designing Marketing Plans & Strategy addressed to the target customers.

Style: The writing style is informal, casual and focused on specific Marketing objectives.

Language: The language is simple, non-technical and easy-to-understand for the lay population (or in line with the educational and professional background of the audience).

Purpose: The purpose is to provide the written content for B2C Marketing Plans, Strategy and actual Marketing Resources.

Medium: Written text along with tables, charts, graphs, diagrams and audio-visual aids are used to illustrate the business data and information.

Format: The business information is presented in form of Plans (Sales & Marketing), Strategy documents, presentation slides. The actual Marketing Resources include presentations, brochures, posters and online marketing content.

5. For Employee and Management Communication

Pitch (audience): The information is used for communication of Updates, Policy and Trainings from the Management to the Employees. Employees also use business information to update other departments and the Management of their functions.

Style: The writing style is formal, serious and focused in line with the purpose.

Language: The language is combination of business and marketing terminology; in line with the background of the audience.

Purpose: The purpose is to provide the written content for communication of Trainings, Policy, Operational and other Business information.

Medium: Text, illustrations and audio-visual means is used for effective communication.

Format: The business information is presented in form of Reports, Plans, emails, online communication and presentation slides.

6. For Education

Pitch (audience): The business management information is ready by students and business persons undergoing training.

Style: The writing style is formal, serious and focused in line with the purpose.

Language: The language is business management terminology in line with the educational and professional background of the audience.

Purpose: The purpose is to provide written content for training and education.

Medium: Text, illustrations and audio-visual means is used for effective communication.

Format: The business information is presented in form of books, journals, e-books, e-training modules, and presentation slides.

Business Case Analysis

Write to us @ riteanddesign@gmail.com, for a free Business Case Analysis customized to your specific Business Writing requirements.

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