Market Research + Medical Writing

February 15, 2019 

The Assignment

A body of practical and meaningful online Patient Communications on highly specialized Medical Research and Development topics.

The Approach

For such specialized medical content, the end-user requirements are key. If the patients’ needs are met through communications, they can lead to a significant improvement in the patients’ lives.

This involves a prudent combination of – Market Research + Specialized Medical Communication.

The Solution

Understanding the end-user requirements was the starting point for the planning process. A communication rapport was established with the medical business leadership, to understand the categories of the medical content to be developed. Creative Thinking and Visualisation skills were used to structure reader-friendly templates and formats for the Communications. The Write & Design team invested substantially in adequate and meaningful research to ensure the authenticity of the specialized Medical Research and Development topics. Original and thought-provoking content was generated with the aim of connecting with practical, real-life situations of the target patient population.